Russian dating site » Real Estate and Condominiums
1. Firstly be very apprehensive of any girl who is overly forward, and starts to declare love for you within a couple of emails. Russian girls are no different to western girls in that they do not fall in love over the internet after a couple of emails. This should be a big red flag. If you come across this, you may want to be quite subtle and suggest things are moving a bit quicker that you anticipated and then politely move on.
2. Many of the girls who are out to scam you will constantly go on about how they need you to help them, as things are so bad in Russia, or Ukraine. They will ask you to send money. This is the first rule of online dating. Do not under any circumstances send money to someone you have never met! You need to take a step back at this point and ask yourself whether you would do the same for a girl who lived 100 miles away in your home country. The truth is you probably wouldn't so do not under any circumstances send money to a Russian girl you have not met!
3. The next kind of scam is a bit more cunning. This is the scam of the professional dater. Yes, we have them in the USA and the UK as well. They will register on the website to meet guys who would like to date them. Expect them to date as many guys as possible, with the one goal of extracting as much as possible from each and every one of them. They will expect to be taken to the best restaurants, and the best hotels. You will have to take them shopping to the most expensive shops, and buy them clothes and jewelry. Please believe me when I say most Russian and Ukrainian women, a bit like western women like to shop, and be treated like a princess- but the genuine ones would not expect you to do this- at least not early on in the relationship anyway. My experience is that the genuine ones will feel a bit awkward and embarrassed about you spending lots of money on them. They will also be very grateful for even the smallest of gesture that shows you really care about them. Genuine Russian and Ukrainian girls are after the same as you: A long term relationship with somebody they love. Not a paycheck and for more information please visit
Russian dating site
4. You can avoid many of the scammers by using common sense. However, you can also be a bit more of a detective. There are services that will allow you to do background checks on Russian and Ukrainian women. I think this is going a bit too far. If you are that unsure- the relationship is not for you in my opinion. You can however do things like Google her name, or her email address. This very simple method helped me identify a scammer. The emails she had sent me [I assume it is a she- the pictures were good anyway] were listed out on a website forum, and several people were discussing they had received the same.
Overall there is plenty of information on this topic online, and many guides have been written. Do your own research and due diligence, and don't get caught out. There really is no need for you to get scammed by a Russian or Ukrainian girl online.
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