FSU Russian dating scam ‹ Dating

November 30, 2012 – 06:51 am

<img src=”http://dating.muhost.ru/files/2012/11/fsu-brussian-datingb-scam-dating-1.jpg” alt=”FSU Russian dating scam ‹ Dating” title=”FSU Russian dating scam ‹ Dating” />

She's beautiful, she's intelligent, and you two can chat and exchange pictures for hours. It must be love. It's completely understandable for you to want to pledge your heart and zip off to the FSU right now to make her your bride. But, take a deep breath before you send that message! Coming on too strong or too quick can scare off your new Russian sweetheart.

Ask Yourself: How Well

Do We Really Know Each Other?

Infatuation is a strong emotion. It can make you feel extremely close to someone, despite the fact that you don't know much about them yet! Take the time to learn about who that beautiful lady is: what her values are, what she does for fun, what she wants out of life. You can't know that she's the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with until the two of you have had these long conversations where you discuss who you are and where you are going, hopefully together.

If you ask her to marry you in the first conversation, she is not going to take you seriously. How does she know that you don't propose marriage to every lady who uses the site? The only way to convince her that you are serious about your affection for her is to take the time to properly court her. 

Russian Online Dating
Last summer I was dating a guy. It happened to coincide with a four month period when I was also unemployed. We had been dating for a couple of months and I thought things were going pretty smoothly. He seemed to be enjoying himself as well.

I’m a software developer so he came to me when his computer was having problems. First thing I noticed was the free trial of his Virus Scanning progr…unreturned email message I took the hint and stopped attempting contact.

Well, yesterday I ran into him for the first time since that day. He smiled and one of the first things he said was, “So, did you ever find a job?”

I was happy to reply, “Yes, as a matter of fact I landed a pretty good gig and a prestigious firm.” then I added, “So, are you still a slut?”, and just walked away.

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