Russian Dating-Online Dating Study Gives Romance Tours Thumbs Up

A study commissioned by dating giant Anastasia International has found that Romance Tours attended by western men in hopes of finding a bride in Russia and CIS are highly effective. Organized Romance Tours take men from behind their computers on excursions through Russia and Ukraine with the object of connecting them with ladies in search of amour and possibly marriage. The Public Relations Department at Anastasia interviewed 1,697 Western clients

who had attended at least one of her Romance Tours between 2002 and 2009, and discovered a significant percentage not only found a lasting relationship, but an enduring marriage.

Results showed a whopping 18.9%, nearly 1 in 5 of those interviewed, were now either married (13%) or in what qualifies as a lasting relationship (5.9%) with a Russian or Ukrainian woman they met on an Anastasia Romance Tour. Of course in the real world not all is champagne and caviar. A small percentage of those surveyed became engaged but broke it off (2.3%). However, 322 of them (19%) found their sojourn so sweet as to prompt them to take part in several Anastasia Romance Tours. One gentleman and Anastasia member had even attended in excess of 30 tours. 30% of all participants rated their excursion from "fun" and "well run" to "the best trip of my life".

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