Russian Dating Scams: N.'s Story | Russian Wife

Recently I got a letter from another "victim" of Russian dating scams. He was kind enough to let us post his letter on our site in hopes that it might be helpful to other men.

I have been in relationships before, but not for the last several years. It's not because there is no one to have a relationship with. It's because I would rather be alone than be with someone I do not love or respect. Being alone could have its benefits.

I could read in a quiet house, I could listen to music other people may not like, and I could walk around the house in my underwear if I wanted to. It would be a simple life! But then I went to a friends wedding. When I! saw two people so in love I realized that I was missing something very important in my own life. I did a lot of thinking about why I was not finding a woman with the qualities that I valued and I realized that maybe I was looking in the wrong place. After doing a lot of research about the beliefs and values of women from different cultures, I decided that the women of Ukraine held the greatest promise of finding what I was looking for.
At that point, I decided to look on the internet to see if I could find a way to contact one of these wonderful women. There were many, many websites with pages and pages of beautiful women to meet, so I chose one that had received many favorable reviews. I wrote to a dozen different women who seemed to share my views about life, hoping to receive a single response. To my surprise I received eight responses the very next day! And what beautiful women they were! Each woman had sent several beautiful pictures that were obviously taken ! by a professional photographer.
I thought to myself what a wonderful person I must be to have so many beautiful women interested in me! I sat down at my computer and began to share my hopes, my dreams and my deepest feelings. As I read through each letter I received, I studied it and I took in every detail, hoping to understand the essence of the woman I was writing to. I prepared a careful and sincere response making sure to answer all of her questions and prepared my own questions based on things she had told me about herself. I sent my e-mail and waited in hopes of a quick response.
Imagine my excitement when I received a response the very next day with another beautiful picture, also taken by a professional photographer! I quickly read through her letter hoping to find all of the things she thought we had in common and to hear about her answers to my questions. Instead, I read a letter of her talking only about herself. She mentioned nothing about the things we had in common and did not answer any of my ques! tions. I was confused, but not discouraged. I quickly prepared a third letter, again paying close attention to her words and taking care to answer all of her questions. The very next day a smile came across my face when I realized that I had received another message. Once again, there was no mention of the things we might have in common and no answers to my questions. Did I mention there was another beautiful picture taken by a professional photographer?
By the time the fourth letter came I was no longer excited. It was obvious that she was not responding to my letter and was not answering my questions. I looked at her latest professional photograph and felt a wave of disappointment as I realized she was not writing to me at all. She was writing a daily blog about herself that she was sending to many different men. But at least she was making the effort to insert my name here and there to give it a nice personal touch.
The blogs continue! d to come and she was now telling me how incredibly close she ! felt to me! She could not believe that someone had touched her heart so deeply and so quickly! She had still not answered any of my questions or listed a single thing she thought we had in common. She continued to talk only of herself. I did start to believe that she was falling in love, but it was not with me. She had fallen in love with herself! She was all that she could talk about! I thought to myself, I wish that I was such a wonderful person that I could wake up every morning so excited to see ME! I would kiss myself in the mirror several times while I admired my physical magnificence!
The blogs continue to come and state that we have now become so close I must come to see her! She lives in a small town far from the airport, but she must be there to meet me when I arrive! I will need to send several hundred dollars for her transportation, but the magic that will happen when we meet will be incredible!
The very sad thing about this story is t! hat there are a lot of honest, decent, sincere women out there who are allowing themselves to be vulnerable with a small glimmer of hope that they will meet one decent man. They are not coldly sending the same self-absorbed letter to many different men day after day and they are not asking for money. They are actually taking the time to provide a heartfelt response to each letter they receive because they believe the person they are writing to deserves to be treated with the same respect they would like in return.
It makes me sad to know that there are so many deceptive women betraying the trust and destroying the hopes and dreams of decent men who have allowed themselves to be vulnerable in order to take one last chance at love. From the nearly identical letters I am receiving, it is obvious many of the letters claiming to be different women are coming from the same person. They arrive the same day, at the same time, with almost the exact same words. Sometimes I receive the same letter more than once.
Deceived and discouraged,
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