Russian Dating Blacklists: The True Russian Dating Scam : Romance

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Posted: Dec 09, 2009 |Comments: 0

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Jem is dedicated to exposing the truth about Russian dating scams and Russian dating blacklist sites.

Article Source: – Russian Dating Blacklists: The True Russian Dating Scam

Men who research Russian dating and Russian dating scams will undoubtedly run across and These websites, both which are run by a mysterious gentleman named "Jim," allegedly expose the "truth" about Russian dating scams. However, if visitors take a closer look at Jim's sites they might begin to wonder who is a Russian scammer and who is not.

Of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
Russian dating sites

and Russian dating services on and, only 10-15 make the "approved" or "Gold" list. So many sites make Jim's "Black" or "scam" list that he must list them on three separate pages. Coincidentally (or not), all of the Gold sites have prominent ads on both of Jim's websites. On, he even asks visitors to click on Gold site links from his website so he will get "credit." Jim also admits in his Bio that he gets advertising dollars from Gold and White list sites. This suggests that Jim is praising the Russian dating sites that pay him and unfairly trashing those who do not.  Who's the Russian scammer now?

In very small print at the bottom of and, Jim admits that the information on these sites is his personal opinion! In the disclaimer of liability, he tells visitors that nothing on his site is fact and that men should draw their own conclusions. He even tells visitors not to take his word. However, most visitors are so distracted by the flashing, blinking, Gold List ads that they never see the tiny disclaimer font located at the very bottom of both sites. If the men did, they might think twice about trusting Jim.

Despite Jim's disclaimer sentence, "don't take my word for it," that is exactly what he wants visitors to do. Nearly all of Jim's so-called evidence comes from emails he supposedly received, stories he supposedly heard, or knowledge he supposedly gained while living in Russian and/or operating his sites. There are no copies of scammer emails (with headers), no screenshots of the alleged scammers at work, no chat transcripts, no recorded phone calls, nothing that proves his scamming evidence actually exists. There are photos of alleged Russian scammers, but again no indisputable proof of their misdeeds. Visitors simply must take Jim's word.

Furthermore, the emails and scam reports are all one sided. Jim encourages accused Russian scammers and Russian dating scam sites to contact him (email is the only option), but nowhere do visitors see a rebuttal or any version of a Russian dating scam story other than Jim's own. It seems Jim is not interested in presenting both sides of the story.

Men who research hot Russian bride scams, should consider all of the facts before making up their minds. and, though interesting, are not as selfless or objective as they first appear.

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Jem is dedicated to exposing the truth about Russian dating scams and Russian dating blacklist sites.

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Nov 12, 2010

Men who research Russian dating and Russian dating scams will undoubtedly run across and These blacklist websites, both which are run by a mysterious gentleman named "Jim," allegedly expose the "truth" about Russian dating scams. However, if visitors take a closer look at Jim's sites they might begin to wonder who is a Russian scammer and who is not.

Dec 09, 2009

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