How to Have a Successful Marriage with a Foreign Woman! | Russian

How to Have a Successful Marriage with a Foreign Woman!

Marrying a woman from a different race and culture could be a recipe for success…or a disaster. But there are things you and your partner can do to limit the chances of failure. Don't forget, however, that the operative word here is "mutual" – if one doesn't cooperate then no matter how hard the other tries, the marriage is still bound to fail.

Get to know each other.

The time that you spent dating and "getting to know each other" doesn't count. Sometimes, it's completely irrelevant. Most people continue to put their best foot forward throughout a relationship because only a ring on their finger can give them the security they need to be themselves.

In any case,
marriage sex

is simply different from dating and you're bound to discover new facets in your wife's personality. Right now, the important thing is to spend time in familiarizing yourselves with each other's little quirks.

And of course, to get to know each other well, you need to spend time with each other. And when we say spend time, we don't mean that in just a sexual context although that always helps. You should also take the time to simply talk and find out each other's thoughts and opinions.

Postpone big decisions for the meantime.

Since you're still in the stage of getting "acquainted", it's more practical to postpone any big decisions you have to make until both of you understand each other properly. Where you want to enroll your child, for instance, could be a huge problem if you are Roman Catholic while your wife is a Muslim. Another possible source of altercations is income: if you're used to women earning on their own and you happen to marry an Indian woman, for instance, who has been raised to completely rely on her husband then both of you have a lot of adjustments to make.

The key word here is 'postpone'. You can't run away from your problems and you shouldn't do so in the first place. Postponing, however, is a strategic option and one that would save your relationship from potentially marriage-breaking arguments.

If you and your wife can't see each other eye-to-eye just yet because of certain ingrained racial and cultural differences then it won't be possible as of yet to reach a mutually satisfying decision. So postpone these decisions for the meantime.

Agree not to perceive cultural or racial differences as a personal defect.

Let's say your wife is raised to be submissive. For their culture, submissiveness is a desirable trait. You should not hold it against your wife that she's submissive even if it's something you theoretically object to. If you do, your wife might also be inclined to think that your insistence on wanting to know her opinion is a sign of your weakness and your inability to think for yourself.

You see it's going then, don't you? Cultural and racial differences can't ever be perceived as personal defects because they truly aren't that. Such differences can be overcome and even completely eliminated but only if both of you agree to discuss them rationally and in a positive light.

There are sure to be times when you or your wife will feel extremely frustrated because of these differences. But you have to understand that neither of you is doing it intentionally. It just so happened to be the way that you were raised. Time and adjustments, however, can change that. You just have to be patient, and that brings us to our next tip.

Never give up.

So you and your wife discussed what to do about the differences between the two of you. But there are times when you or your wife – or both – unintentionally slip up. It has to be unintentional for why should you or your partner want to ruin your marriage deliberately? It doesn't make sense, does it?

That's why if there are a couple of stumbles along the way, both of you just to have to learn to let go and move forward. Dwelling on these incidents would not achieve anything or when it does, it's sure to be something negative.

You have to continue moving forward and not allow any obstacles to stand in your way.

Emphasize the benefits and get rid of the drawbacks.

Let's say that your biggest problem with your wife is her sexual inhibitions, one that prevents both of you from enjoying sex in the fullest sense of the word.

To solve this, you have to start drawing out your wife's thoughts. Learn what exactly her objections are. Does she feel extremely uncomfortable when you make love with the lights on? Then perhaps you could start with a smaller and dimmer light. Better yet, allow her to explore you with the lights on. That's right. She doesn't have to take off her clothes. She doesn't even have to do anything. Just allow her to appreciate your body in full light.

This approach should work with whatever it is that you're having problems with.

These areas have been listed as some of the most common problems between married partners who come from different racial and/or cultural backgrounds. It would do your marriage good to discuss these issues proactively instead of waiting for them to creep up on you.

Believe it or not but even the mere act of choosing a name could be a problem. In some cultures, it's absolutely imperative that a child follow a grandfather's name, etc. Also, some wives prefer to retain their maiden names (they don't even want it hyphenated) so that may be a problem for some guys.

Do you raise them to have their own mind (the American way) or do you want them to blindly follow your lead (the not-so-American way)?

Who gets to be the breadwinner of the family? Should a wife work, earn less money than the husband, and so forth? Does the ability to earn more makes you the one to wear pants in the family?

sexless marriage

. A research conducted by the US National Health and Social Life found that, 2% of married defendants in divorce cases reported no sex. The research also found that most married couples have sex once a week unlike unmarried couples that have sex at least 3 times weekly. An average of twenty to twenty-five percent men and thirty to fifty percent women are said to lack sex drive. In relation to this, most women suffer from Hypoactive Sexual Desire (HSD), a recurring or persistent lack of sexual desire.

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