Tips For Dating | Russian Girls For Dating | Russian Dating Tips

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Now let's move on to the natural beauty. The phenomenon of striking attractiveness of the Slavic women is no magic. First of all note that every person who is claiming to be Ukrainian or Russian would probably have a blend of at least 4 or 5 different gene sets in him or her. After so many wars and invasions it was absolutely impossible to sustain the untouched genes which once belonged to the first Russian people back in the 8th and

9th century. The combination of the genes apparently produces wonderful results – many of the girls are thin by the nature, have nice figure and beautiful faces.

But I believe this not the most important thing which makes ladies in Ukraine so beautiful and attractive. You see, a girl can be pretty but if she doesn't give her looks much of a priority and doesn't really care about it – she will not make an impression of a beautiful woman. There is a Russian saying: "Even the diamond needs to be processed to look beautiful!", so here we came to an extremely important part of almost every Ukrainian woman's life – making sure she looks nice! This consists of lots of things: from working out and jogging to a light and healthy diet, from picking the clothes which underline the beauty and wearing high heels during the day to sophisticated make up and so on.

And it makes absolutely perfect sense for the girls to do that- they maintain and improve what they got from the birth instead of loosing the precious gifts.

Mind you there are many girls who actually draw the clothes they want to have and have them done by a tailor! This often ends up to be less expensive that the clothes sold at the shops and also she can have it in a unique design, so there is no way she can bump into another girl wearing the same dress!

Women as we can see it take an enormous pride in the way they look. Mothers teach their little daughters to pick the colors the right way when they are going out even at age of 6 or 7 years old! Naturally this eventually grows into a desire to look well at all times- especially if she is out or at work.

I was often told by men from the US and Western Europe that it's very rare to see a woman wearing a dress nowadays at no special occasion, the dresses are being replaced by the jeans and pants. It's hard to say for sure whether it's only because of natural desire for comfort or simply following the fashion, but the fact is that in the Western world women wear more of the men's clothes, and when they do wear the women's clothes they don't feel comfortable- because they are not used to wearing them!


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